2020 Development and Operations Plan
Approval and Conditions
Section 1-- Location and Physical Description
Section 2 - Siting Criteria
Section 3-- Site Access, Hours of Operation and Security
Section 4-- Details of Buildings, Ramps, Roads, Waste Transfer and Holding Areas
Section 5-- Spill Control and Containment Measures
Section 7-- Waste Handling, Holding Capacity Tanks, Containers, Transfer Procedures
Section 8-- Preparedness and Prevention Procedures
Section 9-- Contingency Plan
Section 10-- Personnel Training
Section 11-- Procedures for Ignitable, Reactive, and Incompatible Waste
Section 12-- Inspection Program
Section 13-- Closure Plan
Section 14 -- Closure Cost Estimate
Section 15-- Financial Assurance and Liability Coverage
Section 16-- Figures and Maps
08-15-2023 - Tier II Modification for Second Transfer Building
08-15-2023 - Tier II Modification Development and Operations Plan
04-04-2024 - Tier I Modfication to Clarify 10-Day Transfer Operations