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Welcome to the Oklahoma DEQ State and Local Emissions Inventory System (SLEIS), a web-based application that allows facilities to compile and submit point source emissions inventory data. Companies may submit inventory amendments through SLEIS at any time after notifying and receiving approval from DEQ.
Browser Requirements
Minimum browser requirements for SLEIS are Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.
Locked Accounts
SLEIS accounts will be locked after 5 unsuccessful login attempts. Contact aei@deq.ok.gov or 405-702-4100 to reset your password.
SLEIS User Registration
Accounts have been created for all existing Responsible Officials (RO) and Main Facility Contacts (MFC). New ROs should request a SLEIS user account by completing Form 100-882, Designation of Responsible Official/SLEIS User Registration Form. Other company representatives should complete Form 100-733, SLEIS User Registration Form. Mail or email the completed forms to the address indicated on the form. An email with a link to create your password will be sent. If the link expires before you set up a password, access the login page and choose “Forgot Password?” An email will be sent to you with a new link.
SLEIS Supporting Documentation
The following documents are provided as supporting materials that may be useful when reviewing an emissions inventory report.
- SLEIS Training Webinars
- SLEIS Facility Application Guide - version 3.3
- SLEIS Code Tables (Excel Workbook)
- SLEIS File Import Specification - (Batch/Bulk Import) - version 3.3
- SLEIS File Import Specification - (Report Homepage Import) - version 3.3
- Regulated Air Pollutants (RAPs)
- Emissions Inventory Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- External Resources including NAICS, SIC, SCC and AP-42 Emission Factor searchable databases
- Guide to Determining Oil and Gas Facility Categories
- Tips on reporting Flares, Tanks, and Glycol Dehydrators in SLEIS