
Additional Throughput Combinations Added


New throughput combinations have been added for a small number of SCCs. These are selectable on the process emissions tab for processes using the relevant SCCs. When the throughput unit of measure matches the emission factor unit of measure, SLEIS will calculate the emissions for you. The code tables have been updated, so you can download the full list of throughput combinations, including the new additions, from the SLEIS homepage. New SCCs and Unit of Measures: 20200251 - Million BTUs, 30500203 - ACRE-DAYS, 30500303 - ACRE-DAYS, 30502007 - ACRE-DAYS, 30505020 - Million Cubic Feet, 31000160 - Million BTUs, 31000160 - Million Cubic Feet, 31000205 - Million BTUs, 31000213 - Barrels, 31000220 - EACH, 31088811 - Barrels, 30500290 - MILES, 30502090 - MILES.
